Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Still worried about 2012 and those silly Mayans?

How can you call the mayan silly? they were around over 2400 years ago and they knew things that we only recently learned the last 100 years. These people with there "bow arrow" technology knew that there was planets surrounding the sun and they knew the colors and shapes of the planets. they knew about solar and lunar eclipses. and just to know all of this, you need to know advanced mathematics. something that in the times of christopher colombus didnt even know. in the colombus times, they would but you in jail if you question the shape of the earth not being a square. and your telling me that the mayans who lives thousands of years before colombus were silly? think again my friend. your opinion on 2012 is your own and i cant take that from you, but just be aware of the situation. and be aware that this highly advanced civilization of their time didnt spend hours carving on stone just to pull a prank on us.

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